Differences with conventional medicine
Clinical studies are applied in the pharmaceutical industry, to specifically determine the action and evolution of the product and its final behavior in the body through pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics using a process where up to 4 phases of the drug are commonly involved with the end goal to develop a protocol and measure different interactions.
Biological products such as cell therapies have some characteristics compared to small molecule drugs. These products require novel study designs to address their uniqueness. Close attention to detail must be paid when defining critical endpoints. Special monitoring and reporting should also be considered due to the safety issues associated with these products, especially long-term monitoring, because cell therapies are even more complex and difficult to apply compared to conventional clinical studies as a consequence of the nature of the product. However, we must consider the importance that these therapies have contributed in the last 25 years, especially in revitalizing regenerative medicine, providing significant improvements in the quality of life of patients who have undergone these treatments for various causes and diseases. The mode of action is not always perfect, and the potency tests are still imprecise, hence the main concern when reviewing any clinical trial on allogeneic transplantation in autologous or donor cell therapies and also those of animal origin Xenotransplantation is that they all enjoy 100% biosecurity and with minimal risk of immune rejection.
The aforementioned does not relate to Biocell Ultravital products since they use peptides and cell extracts in their formulas that guarantee 100% safety without the possibility of immune rejection in patients. We have accumulated for more than 70 years of varied clinical expertise through specialized doctors mainly in Europe who have used Cellular Renovation Therapies for more than 3 generations to establish safety and efficacy parameters, mainly on patients for which an adequate evaluation is required to determine various aspects. Such as, their medical history, their family history, risks environmental conditions, and predisposition to degenerative diseases. In all the above parameters such as to time and dose to be applied are crucial be able to determine the therapeutic effectiveness. This is determined according to the type of trial or clinical expertise used to develop the application protocols focusing on the type of pathology. As of 2017 we had carried out 1,292 new observational tests in which the following criteria were evaluated:
– Preventive therapeutic action in patients with some genetic predisposition.
– The therapeutic action as primary treatment in patients with degenerative diseases who for several years were treated with conventional medicine and the expected results were not observed.
– The therapeutic action as an adjuvant or reinforcement in cases of various pathologies combined with traditional allopathic medications.